DPM Heng Swee Keat and Mayor Desmond Choo unveiled a centerpiece created by Artist Mr Gary Ang. Mr Ang’s work pieces together the various artworks created by the participating Social Service Agency (SSA) beneficiaries and artists, signifying the integration of communities within the North East District.
Art Market @ North East, SSA beneficiaries helped showcase artistic talents and abilities at Our Tampines Hub’s Festive Walk East. The Art Market, organised by the North East Community Development Council (NECDC).
The event aims to create a platform for SSAs and their beneficiaries to showcase their work, display their skills and raise awareness of their causes. The SSAs include Ain Society, Bizlink Centre Singapore, Care Corner Singapore, Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore (CPAS), Club HEAL, Friends of the Disabled Society, Metta Welfare Association, Singapore Anglican Community Services, Singapore Association of Mental Health (SAMH), The Singapore Cheshire Home and the TOUCH Centre for Independent Living.
Cityneon’s Corporate Social Responsibility event was held at Tampines Hub’s Festive Walk East supporting the Art Market @ North East.
At the event, DPM Heng Swee Keat and Northeast CDC Mayor Desmond Choo presented the centerpiece created by Artist Mr Gary Ang to our Executive Chairman & Group CEO Ron Tan.
Cityneon is glad to support this Arts event and the various charities and return to the very society what we have benefited so much from.