Mainboard-listed Cityneon Holdings Limited (SGX:5HJ) (“Cityneon”, the “Company”, “城贸控股有限公司” or collectively with its subsidiaries, the “Group”), is pleased to announce that the Company is included by Morgan Stanley Capital International (“MSCI”) as a constituent of the MSCI Global Micro Cap Indexes – Singapore Index1 on 15 May 2017.

The inclusion by MSCI has fully demonstrated the great confidence of institutional investors in Cityneon as a leading preeminent ideas agency specialising in remoulding customer and brand experiences thorugh its Intellectual Property Rights, Interior Architecture, Events, Exhibitions and Theme park business divisions. Cityneon is dedicated to grasp the opportunities in the Global market, to propel the Group’s long-term growth, and eventually maximize shareholders’ return.

The MSCI Global Microcap Index – Singapore is on of the widely used international equity benchmarks by institutional investors, providing global equity indices and benchmark related products and services to investors worldwide. Companies included as MSCI constituents exhibit high growth potential. We believe that the inclusion to the MSCI will foster Cityneon’s shareholder diversification, and thus further enhance the circulation of our stock and broaden our shareholder base.

Mr. Ron Tan, Group CEO of Cityneon Holdings, said, “The inclusion of Cityneon in MSCI is a recognition of the Company’s performance in the market capitalization, trading volume and liquidity. It also reflects investors’ confidence in the Company. This will further enable us to expand our foothold in the industry, as well as maximise the returns to investors and shareholders.”

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Where information in this press release has been extracted or reproduced from published or otherwise publicly available sources or obtained from a named source, the sole responsibility of the directors of the Company has been to ensure through reasonable enquiries that such information has been accurately and correctly extracted from those sources and/or reproduced in this press release in its proper form and context.


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